Mario Luis Telles

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background as a screenwriter?
I grew up watching comedy like Evening At The Improv when I was young. Comedy always felt like the cure for anything bad. In New Mexico, being in to anything like filmmaking or art instantly made you a villain to the other side(like the dark side in Star Wars but New Mexico hard labor traditions.)
When I went to the University Of New Mexico is when I took my first screenplay writing class with Michael Amundsen.
How did you get started in screenwriting? Was it something you always wanted to do?
I got started in screenplay writing during pandemic in 2020. I couldn’t go anywhere and I wanted to hear/see a happy story so I Sat down with the formatting skills I learned in Michael’s class and with my experiences from playing in bands and Time came out. I wanted my peers and the public to see my work as I am, no editing no proof readers, just me and my work. The script is an award winner all over the world now including the worlds oldest inde film festival WorldFest Houston.
I always wanted to be a filmmaker. Writing is something that I really felt would provide the foundation for my career. I have also had the opportunity to be an actor in almost 40 different movies and TV shows and I also went to Stella Adler’s Studio Of Acting and Art Of Acting Studio.
Can you walk us through your creative process when writing a screenplay?
Have an idea first. When you can see what you want to write about inside your mind you have started the writing process. Formatting and grammar take a back seat for a little while because it’s not a class assignment, it’s your dream. Have plenty of you around, music to help, the right environment, comfort to get the best of you out there.
What are some of the biggest challenges you face as an independent screenwriter?
Socially it’s been acceptance and support from my family. There is an amazing woman in my life that has always inspired me to be the best me I can be, her family too, but my dad and brother and even down to my grandma have always been there with where’s the money, where’s the real job. Terrible. But they will always deny anything they’ve done. Like a bunch of thugs. Again, it’s terrible.
Professionaly, no one has been able to do what I have done. It’s like a comfort cruise to success. But I am thankful and don’t take anyone for granted including myself.
How do you typically promote your work and connect with potential collaborators or producers?
I have to know the person or at the very least their body of work. The script is a 27 time award winner with numerous selections all over the world. There is not one production I can name that has been an award winner going in to production. It’s always been the opposite.
Can you share any tips or advice for aspiring screenwriters looking to break into the industry?
Be yourself and have fun dreaming. All the greats are just that. Be the new greats. Don’t ever stop believing.
What movies do you think have the best script?
Aliens, The Princess Bride, and Casino. If I were to go in to detail we would be here all day.
What are your three favorite movies?
The Book Of Eli, The Princess Bride, Alien. I love heroes.
And three movies that you hate?
Lord Of The Rings, Taxi Driver, Sicario. Damn psychos trying to take over the world by killing everything including themselves. Next please.
What are some of the most memorable movies you've seen?
Savages, Aliens, UHF. The criminal dance in Savages is so terrible I can’t look away, Aliens has a hero named Ripley that could be President, and UHF doesn’t stop when it comes to laughing. There’s jokes then there’s UHF.
How do you see the film industry evolving in the coming years, particularly for independent filmmakers?
A new film industry entirely built from tragedy that will flourish and provide the world with the escape to something fun in every way. Love you writer’s, hope to see you alk and your amazing work again. What you have already created is legendary.
Inde will always be a saddle ride in to the unknown. An adventure in every production. Go big and achieve your dreams with the freedom that being inde provides. The film offices will be drooling for your work. Don’t ever give up or give in for and amount of money and stay true to your creative process. The rest will be historic.
What are some of the projects you're currently working on, and what can we expect from you in the future?
I am currently acting in films and television as a Native American. From Kevin Costner’s Horizon to Netflix’s new Rez Ball produced by LeBron James from the L.A. Lakers I am there with braids on. Some of my family is from Mescalero, New Mexico. Apache.
I have the Time series to look forward to as well as another comedy about life at the golf course that I wrote about. Teeing it up with the folks from town, it gets funny.
My hopes are to continue acting and writing and when the time is right, to begin production eventually on Time. I wrote the script to keep a movie open for the prequel. The 60s and 70s through blue collar living with music as the escape and contribution to the fans and families in the story.
What are some of your long-term career goals as a screenwriter?
I would really like to see my writing come to life in production and I hope that if another production could benefit from my talent I would love the opportunity to contribute. I hope that I can stay making a living as a filmmaker and actor. Happiness is always going to out shine any price tag or offer. If I’m not happy I’m not doing it regardless of how much the offer is. I got a soul and a brain with achievement and ability. Let’s rock.