Meta Akkus

Can you briefly introduce yourself and tell us about your background in filmmaking?
I have directed my first play at the ages of 17 then my first short film at age 18 since then I have directed numerous adverts all around the world music videos and short films. I’ve always wanted to direct feature films. Make A Wish is my debut.
What inspired you to become a filmmaker, and how did you get started in the industry?
My acting teacher and visual impact of a storytelling. When I was watching a movie I was transported and I thought this is what I want to do to transform elevate and transport people, to impact their mind and thought process and reality. So I started to direct short films and learn from my mistakes. I have work as AD in different productions to learn the business and see how other directors are working. Then went on directing commercials and music videos.
What was your motivation behind creating this particular film?
I wanted to make a movie that I would have loved to watch as a child, so I made this for the child within every one of us.
When I was 8 years old I would have loved to see a movie like this, it would have stayed with me for the rest of my life. A film that talks about having faith, courage and love for one-self..
Did you face any challenges during the production process? If so, how did you overcome them?
It is a big challenge to work with so many kids, in a such a dry and hot part of the world. It was almost 45 degrees and we were so limited by the heat. So all the exterior shot was in the morning or evening, we shot all our interiors in the middle of the day when the sun was right above.
Can you discuss the creative decisions you made while developing your film, such as the visual style or narrative approach?
I had a clear vision of the world that I wanted to create. A world above the clouds very sophisticated yet timeless. Since it is a fairytale like I made sure that it looked beyond any time period and space on earth.
Are there any specific themes or messages that you aimed to convey through your film?
Make A Wish encourages you to think that whatever you want is already yours and by 'making a wish' you can choose it to be part of your reality. It makes you believe that you are the master of your own destiny.
The film tells you that when you know and choose what you want to experience you can change your life circumstances.
How do you feel your film stands out from others in the same genre or category?
There is anything like it really. It is a very unique and brave film with a strong characters and message to the young generation.
What do you hope the audience will take away from watching your film?
Renewed faith and confidence in themselves. Surface courage .
Can you share any interesting or memorable experiences you had while making this film?
Every moment with the kids actor we’re special and so much fun. I hired an ice cream van, it came everyday after lunch. Seeing kids so happy eating ice cream all together was priceless. Being a kid with them laughing with them was something amazing. Lots of fun and laughter.
What are your aspirations as a filmmaker, and where do you see yourself in the future?
I see myself making outstanding films with very strong memorable and impactful characters.
Are there any filmmakers or films that have greatly influenced your work?
Probably Barry Lyndon by Kubrick is one of my favorite film.
Is there anything else you would like the audience and the film festival organizers to know about you or your film?
Watch Make A Wish through the eyes of the child within you.